Friday, 3 November 2017

The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is not easy but at the end of the day I believe it is worth it. Forgiveness is the ability to let go of all the pain and suffering that another would have inflicted on you and not hold grudges. It is when you set aside all your differences and come to a realization that the past is past and it's time to move on. Forgiveness involves giving up or letting go of any claim to compensation for the hurt one would have caused us, the renewal of your heart, your mind and spirit, replacing the bad thoughts and feelings towards a person with positive feelings. 

Ephesians 4:31-32: Get rid of all bitterness, passion, and anger. No more shouting or insults, no more hateful feelings of any sort. Instead, be kind and tender-hearted to one another, and forgive one another, as God has forgiven you through Christ.

Of course it is not easy to just wake up one morning and forgive that person that did you wrong but it is not healthy as well to stay angry and bitter forever. Anger and bitterness reduces the chances of progress in life and distracts you from your purpose . I mean what good comes out of an angry and bitter person, nothing? Everything you might want to touch or even try to do fail because of unforgiveness which then hinders progress. 

I realized that most people including myself at some point in our lives carried anger, bitterness and resentment of failed relationships into the new relationships. Not only am I talking about romantic relationships but even non- romantic relationships. I wouldn't lie and say I never struggled with unforgiveness, I did but I learnt the benefits of forgiveness and my life was never the same .

I learnt that forgiveness opens doors to so much happiness, improves one’s health and you develop a peace of mind. Not only that, but you realize that socially you improve even in the way you relate to different people you meet along the way. One has to realize that, being bitter and angry and bottling things inside will not help you achieve anything. Actually you will be doing more harm to yourself than anyone else. Yes! Most would believe that the person they aren't forgiving is the one being punished in the process but no, you are punishing yourself. Seeing that person who wronged you and you change the direction of your path or you look at them like they are a nuisance. Who are you hurting, yourself? There is no life that's enjoyable when you are always angry and bitter, not open to those good feelings and happy thoughts. Let go, let it all go, you won't lose anything but actually gain a lot. 

I have also noticed that you can be angry and bitter at someone but funny thing is their lives didn't stop because you are angry. They are probably getting ahead with their goals and purpose in life and you are stuck in the past being bitter and unforgiving. These people would probably have asked for forgiveness but chose not to dwell on your unforgiveness since they played their part in the whole process. Looking at it , you the unforgiving person you are hurting yourself more than you are hurting that other person. 

Many may think that it is unfair to forgive that person who hurt you the most and letting them off easily without paying for the pain caused. Most would think they are getting freedom whilst you got pain but watch this, if you release them God will do what only He can do. Through forgiveness comes blessings and these blessings come from obedience.  

I believe also that forgiveness does not only involve you forgiving another person but also forgiving yourself. In life, we go through so many struggles, probably make horrible decisions that affect our future decisions, get involved in stuff we weren't supposed to. But I understand that forgiving oneself from what you even put yourself through is necessary. It helps in rebuilding one self’s confidence, strength, emotional and psychological well being thus leading to healthy and conscious decisions and healthy relationships with people. If one can forgive themselves then they are able to forgive others.


  1. Very insightful and clearly articulated. A bit more time should also be spent focusing on forgiving oneself as this is an area where most forget. Denial being the biggest crater towards inner self forgiveness and healing

  2. What defines the person is the inner person.First have to deal with the inside and let the outside speak for whats within

    1. Very true , one cannot forgive others if they haven't dealt with whats inside of them

  3. The power of forgiveness is a blessing only you can give yourself. Grudges and bitterness slow you down and weigh you down by the time you realize how much time you have wasted it may be too late. Thanks for that insifhtful piece

    1. Exactly Manga , life is too short to dwell on the negatives.

  4. Unforgiveness spews out and it really is detrimental to all other facets of our lives. We really need to be able to search deep within and be able to acknowledge what we also did to contribute to this feeling... Normally with unforgiveness we feel that we were wronged and are always looking for way to be vindictive toward that person, however we also need to forgive ourselves for the damage contributed too..that's the first step to forgiving the next person

  5. This is powerful God help us to have a forgiving heart,
