Thursday, 7 September 2017

Danie - Listen to the expert

Experience indeed makes one an expert, and our mothers who have been on earth longer than us younger girls have a lot to teach us about life. Regardless of the fact that we exist in a generation where technology is growing fast or that we are technologically smart does not mean that we are smarter than our mothers when it comes to life issues.

Mothers have great wisdom, hence we must strive to learn as much as we can whilst they are still with us.
Imagine a world without women. Unimaginable isn't? 

God created a woman with extraordinary characteristics which makes her unique. She can carry so much burden on her shoulders but still smile, she goes through so much pain but still smile, she walks through her life's journey facing so much but still come out strong. 

To every woman out there, you are special, keep writing your stories and don't let anyone write  them for you..

for more information or questions you can  send an email to :